Expressions of drunkenness (and intoxication) BOOK REVIEW

Interested in the biological, social and cultural influences behind alcohol consumption? Is drunkenness and intoxication part of your every work language? If you are a public policy maker, an academic, or a student of addiction science…this book is a MUST HAVE for your library. Learn WHY here.

minute read

Expressions of drunkenness (four hundred rabbits)

This book is for anyone who enjoys analysis of public health issues.  Even more specifically, people interested in the social, medical, and cultural aspects of drinking alcohol should pick up this book.  As far as I can see, Expressions of Drunkenness has not been written for light reading, but for use by people who influence social change.  Off the top of my head, this may include any of the following professions.

Who this book is for (agents of social and cultural change)

  • local, national and international governments
  • public health officials
  • health services administrations and administrators
  • civil and private lawyers
  • researchers and scientists interested in alcohol issues
  • academics interested in alcohol issues
  • students interested in alcohol issues

What you’ll learn (subjectivity)

In this book, you’ll learn how the terms “drunkenness” and “intoxication” are related but different.  Even more, you’ll learn that “drunkenness” and “intoxication” are subjective terms and vary according to physical, mental, sociological, legal and cultural context.  In other words, you’ll learn how complex an issue it is to try to define and change behavior related to drinking alcohol.  Suffice it to say, the read is a dense and fascinating look into how humanity has (throughout time) used and related to one another (as well as self) via drinking alcohol.  I suggest you take in digestible chunks of the book, and aim for a chapter at one sitting.  And take notes.

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About the author
Lee Weber is a published author, medical writer, and woman in long-term recovery from addiction. Her latest book, The Definitive Guide to Addiction Interventions is set to reach university bookstores in early 2019.
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